Hello again its Friday which seems to be my day for reflection and sharing 😊
Today specifically I have both been inspired and saddened by what I have blocked in my life as a result of what I believed I was born into, not only as a woman but also as a woman living in fear of creating greatness.
This is my reality as I can only speak from a female’s perspective. I am aware that men too are affected by the blockages they have adopted, I have observed those wounds with much empathy looking back and currently in my life.
These blocks we accumulate over time play directly into the results we have in our lives.
These are typically areas where we have experienced some sort of pain, trauma, fear, anger, hatred, abandonment – either personally or vicariously through the actions of others.
We create our worlds from the inside out and yet so many of us are focused on, and buy into , the belief systems of others of what our destiny is fated as according to them. Which specific mould do we need to fit into to be accepted by others! Watch a child when the joy is replaced by fear and you will understand. I was taught many things as a young girl of how women should be an behave and what a man’s role is. Most of which I now understand to have been limitations passed down from my ancestors and teachers.
I have lived a life that was and possibly still is impacted as a result. I believed that I would be an abusive parent, not worthy of being loved or loving another. Sadly due to my inability to see past that or even a possibility of how I could escape the cycle, I made many choices that I came to regret over time. I deprived myself of the rite to motherhood of loving and being loved unconditionally I chose to buy into the belief that I was never good enough, smart enough, educated enough,, lovable enough, deserving enough…..and on and on…….
I was creating my world from the outside in and living in the fear and doubt that became my inner dialogue. Time and time again when I had an opportunity to do what I knew my sober, connected heart desired. I internalized it and scared myself out of it, reinforcing the doubts until they were so much part of my DNA I was not even aware of it. Finally after therapy and a couple of hard knocks I found a Coach to help me see the self sabotage pattern all the way through and there started my journey of healing. I am forever grateful.
I have walked a journey as I have no doubt we all have our story, is it not time for us to change the narrative?. These are the ways that have worked for me so far 😊
It is time now as we move into this new way of being!
- Do you want to create a different way of living for yourself that will feed into your joy as well as others?
- Then find the support YOU specifically need to begin to release the doubts or limiting beliefs you hold about yourself. Ask for help!
- With empathy, become aware of and release the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual blocks that prevent you from feeling the joy from within and moving out of doubt
- Open up your understanding that we all create our own reality, our own rose tinted glasses or clear vision. That means YOU create yours too.
- You are a beautiful, worthy, capable manifestation of a soul in physical form on this planet right now as a result of your choices. That may seem like a huge reach to own that reality – that is what this manifestation is about. Reach beyond your dreams.
- Pause to reflect for a moment, who is in control of your choices? You or those around you?
- Imagine what YOU have the opportunity to create in your life when you release the doubts and believe in yourself as a uniquely designed physical being in this current experience we share. This has to potential to impact on others positively too.
- We all contribute our own special ingredient into the energy mix collectively
- Make a written note of your dreams and ideas to get those creative juices flowing literally
- It starts with one thought, one action! It will have ripple effect on those around you.
Enjoy embrace the dream into reality.
Much love and gratitude